Thus since the ages of forever, our lights have wept in silence. On the eternal night, we layer our conscious to the stars, and look to ourselves, to find who we once were. Dream with the purgatory, and live in the unending light.
Do not UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES attempt to colonize this level. The nature on this level will NEUTRULIZE any humans that enter. The lifeforms in this level are BEYOND COMPREHENSION and act with a K.O.S.1 nature. It is IMPOSSIBLE to exit this level. We at the B.R.2 repeat, do not UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES attempt to colonize this level.
"When dawn sheds its last light,
Prepare for the worst,
And become the best."
-Quote originating from Level 533, of long lost origins.3
Class Greenzone
- Absolute Nature Takeover.
- No Human Control.
- Crumbling Society.
Level Description
Level 533 is highly dangerous, and is not a viable option for colonization in the immediate future. This state is presumed to last forever, as there is no executable way to rid the dangers. The dangers of Level 533 can be split into two categories: environmental, and biological.4 Though at face value the biological risks are greater than the former, it can be argued otherwise.
Level 533 takes form of a large circular plateau, that rises roughly a kilometer at a 90°. The plateau takes a radius of roughly 25 kilometers.5 Besides the approximate outer 100 meters,6 Level 533 consists of a forest with normal trees7 that have rotten and decomposed, forming mold. This mold comes in a variety of forms, and can be highly dangerous if not treated with the right precautions.8 In the near center, roughly 5 kilometers south-east from the center of the plateau, lies the Ruins,9 a 17 kilometer² area, with concrete structures withered with time.
Level 533 has no daylight cycle, as the sun has stopped in the sky.10 This level is eternally an odd state between day and night, glowing a crimson red. There is a thick layer of fog that makes seeing beyond roughly 20 meters nearly impossible. This fog lies on the inner section of the plateau, clearing up at the approximate outer 100 meters,11 allowing the rest of the level to be seen below.12 Based on purely rumors, if you can reach these lands, you can exit the level.13 Because of the fact that it is impossible to exit this level, the only way to gather information is through outgoing radio signals. Incoming radio signals do not seem possible.14 - R. Williams, senior researcher.
Environmental Dangers
The environmental dangers of Level 533 are plentiful, the main issues are the temperature, the low light levels, and the lack of an exit. Because of the fact that there is no major source of light and heat, the level consistently lacks in those areas.15
Biological Dangers
Most notably in fact, are the biological dangers of Level 533. The main biological dangers are: The Eye, the sprouts, the vines, and the mold.16 Each danger will be explained in detail17 in its own separate section.
It is unknown what the Eye is.18 There is a lack of reliable information in this moment in time. It seems as though the eye is intelligent, please research this. - R. Williams, senior researcher.
The sprouts are the second biological danger of Level 533.
The vines are another biological danger.
The mold is arguably the most dangerous aspect of Level 533, if the possible dangers from the Eye are not considered.
The Ruins