Testing forum posting.
Dr. Roberts | January 1st, 1999
Testing testing.
Another line. Does this work?
The testpage is a page on the database usually referred to as unnecessary. It serves no purpose to the M.E.G. whatsoever, and it does not serve a purpose to anyone actively inside the Backrooms. The testpage stays in an archived state, to show how far the M.E.G. has developed since its founding. This page is the testpage. The following text is the archived page:
A horizontal rule can be created with 5 hyphens "-----" and extends across the whole page if it's not placed inside anything (eg a blockquote). The lines separating sections of this document are horizontal rules.
Titles can be created by putting between one and six plus "+" at the start of the line
This is a tab view.
This is a blockquote, created by putting "> " at the start of each line.
More text
That's a horizontal rule
Nested blockquotes
This is a | table |
You should know | how to make these |
already |
this text
is here
so you can
see how
everything looks
with different
including links that do not
And links that do exist!
[[div class="darkblock"]]
[[div class="dark-styled-quote"]]
[[div class="lightblock"]]
[[div class="styled-quote"]]
To add a title which looks like a page title, use:
Testing forum posting.
Dr. Roberts | January 1st, 1999
Testing testing.
Another line. Does this work?
Fixing date issue.
Dr. Roberts | March 23rd, 2008
Let's hope this code works.
Operative Watney | March 24th, 2008
Oh hey, this is cool! Chatroom chatroom chatroom chatroom.
I'm assuming we're going to be using this from now on?
Testing purposes once again.
Dr. Roberts | March 24th, 2008
Please don't act so immature Operative Watney, I added you in the forum system to find bugs, not to act in a silly manner. And yes, this will be used in the future once all the bugs are sorted out.
Testing the page voting system.
Dr. Roberts | March 26th, 2008
Operative Watney, please upvote this page. We are currently in development, so please follow my exact instructions.
Roger that!
Operative Watney | March 26th, 2008
You got it boss! I upvoted it :)
Downvoting test.
Dr. Roberts | March 26th, 2008
Thank you for following my instruction Operative Watney, all is working as normal. Please downvote this page now.
Operative Watney | March 26th, 2008
Mission accomplished! I downvoted the page. I think it works.
Regarding the release.
Dr. Roberts | April 3rd, 2008
We will allow restricted axis within the M.E.G. as if tomorrow. Do not be alarmed by rapid voting, that is excepted. If bugs are found during this, contact me privately. We will soon start opening to the public, excepted release in a month.
Remember, please act mature. This is the official database forum, and should be taken seriously. The naming scheme will be updated, and this may cause issues.
Op. A53b094 | April 4th, 2008
Oh cool! New chat system? Weird names tho. Wish we could change it.
Op. B54g084 | April 4th, 2008
How was the created? How can you just do this??? I'm so confused. I agree with Op. A53b094, this naming system is weird. When will we be able to change it?
This is pretty cool.
Op. G32h042 | April 4th, 2008
I think it's fine to me. This is overall pretty new to me, I don't understand a single bit of it.
Please better names.
Op. A53b094 | April 5th, 2008
I'm still askin' for the ability to change my name. Like what even is A53b094???
Regarding naming system.
Dr. Roberts | April 5th, 2008
Names cannot be chosen manually. This is to prevent people with the same name acting immature and fighting over it. This is also to ease the search for names, as an ID is easier to look for than a last name.
Op. A53b094 | April 5th, 2008
Then why do you (and operative watney) have a special name??? That's not fair!
Op. G32h042 | April 5th, 2008
Yeah! We deserve names too!